Monday, September 30, 2019

Offshoring benefits and advantages Essay

Some businesses choose offshoring to solve the issue of expertise, especially for IT personnel. These companies claim they simply cannot find enough qualified employess in the United States to do certain technology jobs. Do you agree with this assessment? Why or why not? From first glance at this statement, it seems like a line that from businesses to help justify their offshoring practices. This statement is one that seems like it would come out of the PR department when consumers are voicing their displeasure over the company’s choice to offshore their processes. It is definitely not the truth for a company in today’s economy. I have a number of friends that work for Nationwide Insurance here in Gainesville Fl. It is mostly a call center operation here and they are constantly hearing rumors about the company moving the operations over seas to save money. If Nationwide does end up doing this at some point, it will not be because of a lack of qualified people to do the work. With Gainesville being a college town, there are plenty of available and qualified employees to accomplish the work. Maybe this is one of the mains reasons they have not yet outsourced this call center. Although I believe what I have previously stated, there are instances in the past 15 years where this comment could have been completely correct and legitimate. In doing my research for this question, I came across an article about the advantages and benefits of offshoring. They surmised that during the â€Å"mid 1990’s, U. S. -based businesses have looked overseas to locate their manufacturing, business IT Applications Maintenance and Call Center and other operations in emerging countries with strong labor forces, low wage rates and favorable business climates. This trend was accelerated by Y2K and the IT industry’s need to rapidly build software maintenance â€Å"factories† to research, correct and test the â€Å"millennium bug†. With this being said, it is believable that at the rate at which this IT world has grown, the need for more qualified employees could not have been adequately handled with the options in the United States at the time. It would take at least 4-6 years for the future and current students to see the trend of job needs and decide to enter that field. So, at the time, the companies had to make these decisions for more than cost concerns. In the past few years, this has changed in our country. Students are getting IT jobs and with the amount of people out of work there are more students in our country than ever before. In March 2010 Gartner reported: â€Å"India is also starting to face some challenges including wage inflation, local attrition rates, geographical issues and financial irregularities. Because of this and the ever increasing â€Å"hidden costs†, companies are beginning the process of IT Onshoring. In his article, Herge states that the cost savings of offshoring for companies today is somewhere between 0-10%. For most companies this is not worth the negative publicity and the other possible hidden costs to come. They have begun bringing jobs back home and hopefully our students have studied hard to help this country grow!

Sunday, September 29, 2019

Pride and Prejudice Essay

Successful Marriage l: Biography Looked upon as being one of the most influential and popular writers during the romantic period, Jane Austen published many romance novels, such as her most famous, Pride and Prejudice. Austen focused her writings on the importance of â€Å"romantic love as a true happiness to marriage† (Olsen 426). Having not experienced marriage, Jane often based her stories off of her familys romance. Jane was born into a middle class family with very little income; Jane used her lack of money to inspire new novels. She mainly focused her novels over social standings and how love is haracterized as true happiness. Her focus on love began when her siblings married for money rather than love. Austen strived to fix the many family issues by creating â€Å"fairy tale stories† ending â€Å"happily with the heroines marrying the men they loved† (Ruth 50). Jane Austen wrote her novels around the controversy of whether love should be based upon increasing one’s â€Å"social status† or â€Å"falling in love† (Bernard 34). Jane creates romance novels to replace the love that’s missing in her life. From growing up in a poor family Jane rarely received the opportunity to find love and arry a suitable husband, giving her thoughts and dreams of what her life would be like if she found marriage through love. Austen’s novels portray that marriage shouldn’t be based upon personal wishes such as money or class, but for one to be happy one should find love. In the novel, Pride and Prejudice, the author shows that despite social pressure, for a marriage to be successful it must be based upon love. II: Pride and Prejudice The novel Pride and Prejudice is surrounded with young couples and the issue of marriage through social class and public opinion. Many critics follow Jane Austen’s heme that love builds to create a happy successful marriage. The critic Bilal Hasan follows Austen’s theme and supports the theory that one shouldn’t marry for money if they plan on being happy. Also, he believes that â€Å"through their relationship Jane Austen shows that a hasty marriage based on superficial qualities looks and leads to unhappiness† (Hasan). Both supporting Jane’s theme over happy marriage, the critic Rachel Davies uses the qualities of Mr. Darcy and Elizabeth’s love to show a successful marriage. â€Å"Darcy and Elizabeth’s love is genuine, existing despite social arriers† (Davies). Davies relates Mr. Darcy and Elizabeth’s marriage to the marriage of Charlotte and Mr. Collins, comparing that due to the burden Charlotte held on her family, she created a limit to finding love. Charlotte became a â€Å"burden to her family’ when she became the age not very few men adored to marry; she hadn’t found love and caused her to marry for money (Olsen 425). Austen chooses to influence all the characters to show their struggles between them, providing that they all come to the reality that â€Å"without money, it is probable marriage will not happen† (Disney). Many focus on the differences in financial status when finding marriage. A woman who is a burden would more like to marry a man of wealthy class without caring whether she was in love. The character Elizabeth Bennet money. Jane Austen writes that for a man to best show his love for a woman, he would ask for her hand in the next dance at the ball. Money divides real love and incites false love initially in Pride and Prejudice. Love is shown to demolish the seeming impossibility of Darcy and Elizabeth’s marriage† (Davies). She does believe that there is a relation between love and money in marriage. Money to some she believes, can buy happiness, but love overpowers money and creates a strong everlasting bond in a marriage, while money can be lost. An example would be â€Å"when Darcy pays Wickham to marry Lydia, thus giving Elizabeth feelings towards Darcy for caring for her family’ (Davies). Austen herself faced the issues of money on marriage, creating a similar character named Charlotte. Despite that Austen never was forced to choose to marry for money instead of love; Jane created Charlotte in comparison how they both became a burden to their families. Charlotte later in Pride and Prejudice marries Mr. Collins, only to simply please her parents and â€Å"secure herself financially’, creating an unhappy marriage and making them â€Å"the darkest note in the novel† (Paris 34). By choosing to marry Mr. Collins, Charlotte increased her social status by removing herself from a burden to her family any longer. People cannot always fall in love where they choose, but their choice of a marriage partner should not be governed primarily by concerns for money or status† (Paris 34). Both critics Davies and Hasan support Jane’s theme, that love is the key to a successful happy marriage. Hasty marriages acting on impulse and based on superficial qualitie s will not survive and will lead to unhappiness† (Hasan). Davies continues to discuss the importance of marriage based upon love, yet also follows that money contributes to creating a happy marriage. There are very few critics who can argue that Austen doesn’t show that love creates a bond for successful marriage. Yet at the same time, arguing with her opinion, Jane states that money is also important in finding marriage. â€Å"Neither Elizabeth nor Colonel Fitzwilliam would marry for money, but they must hope to fall n love with someone who has money’ (Paris 34). Many women during the eighteenth century didn’t receive any of their familys money or dowries after the death of their father. Having no money caused many to search for a suitable wealthy husband, with the small hope of finding love in the process. The critic Katie Disney argues that Austen does not suggest the theme that love is the most important, but â€Å"shows her obvious unhappiness with the way marriages work† (Disney). The conversation between Mr. and Mrs. Bennet shows their desire to quickly marry their five daughters to rich well-known men. With higher class came the responsibility to find a wife similar to their class and share the wealth among their families. â€Å"It is truth universally acknowledged that a single man in possession of a good fortune must be in want of a wife† (Austen 1). Jane makes clear that wealthy men of a higher class sought to find a bride similar to them. Yet, Jane contradicts her belief by making Mr. Darcy fall in love with Elizabeth Bennet, a lower middle class woman: â€Å"He is so much in love, however, that he decides to make a social sacrifice for the sake of personal satisfaction† (Paris 35). To most, money is seen as a necessary possession, but also is used to secure ones financial future: â€Å"Money in Pride and Prejudice is used to buy one’s way, or marry one’s way, to a higher social rank† (Copeland 74). There is no ruling that marriage should be solely founded either on love or money. Women are seen as the main audience of Pride and Prejudice, and as we grow up, we become planted with the notion of â€Å"ending happily ever after. † Love is always a major theme in every fairy tale; either a prince rescues the princess and they fall madly in love or the girl finds her true love and is destined to live a happy life. The novel Pride and Prejudice is seen by many as one of the most famous fairy tales. Jane Austen creates the novel based upon her dreams of what her life could be. A fairy tale doesn’t always consist of witches and dragons, yet Austen creates characters who share similar characteristics. The character Lady Catherine shares the qualities of an evil witch who wishes happiness for none but herself. Austen creates Lady Catherine as a wealthy woman of high society who looks down to everyone, believing that marriage should remain within the family and love is unimportant. Pride and Prejudice can be related to a fairy tale not only for its characters but for its happy ending. The novel can be compared to one of the most known fairy tales, Cinderella. Mr. Darcy is the wealthy sophisticated prince who falls in love with the maiden, Elizabeth Bennet. Elizabeth fantasizes of one day finding the man of her dreams. Another comparison to Cinderella would be that Elizabeth as well as Cinderella is first introduced to her future husband at a ball. Also, both female characters at first play hard to get. In the beginning Elizabeth is disgusted by Mr. Darcy and his arrogance towards those of lower class. Social status was important in the eighteenth century; many women were born into lower class but were not accepted into society unless they married a wealthy man. Yet, in the end Elizabeth falls madly in love with Darcy and of course they live â€Å"happily ever after† Just like in a fairy tale. Even in animated movies today such as Shrek, the fairy tale romance of living happily ever after exists. The main character Shrek, in this movie is in much relation to Elizabeth due to their social standings. Both have little to offer for those of higher class such as Darcy or Fiona. Despite the fact that she is also an ogre, Fiona is the daughter of the King and Queen. Even though their social standards are very different they are able to overcome this because of their strong love they have for each other. In the end of the movie, Shrek leaves the audience with the allusion of this couple living happily ever after. Not everyone searches for love and many don’t believe they will every fall in love. Often we wonder if love can truly be the answer to one’s happiness. In many ways love is unknown, but we must open our heart to possible opportunities. Yes fairy tales can be thought of as make believe, but they also provide a base for a life e can all hope and dream about. Like Pride and Prejudice all of Jane Austen’s novels follow the theme of love conquering all. Austen created her novels based upon the dreams and life she never had. Much like her characters, Austen dreamed of falling madly in love and living happily ever after. All of Austen’s books leave female readers with the hope of finding their true soul mate. Reading a Jane Austen novel is a way to escape everyday pressures and explore a world of love and passion. Many couples today must overcome the obstacles of social pressure and money; however successful marriages are based upon love.

Saturday, September 28, 2019

Argument paper - Heart disease only affects the old Essay

Argument paper - Heart disease only affects the old - Essay Example Most people, however, do not feel that they need to worry about heart disease until they are older. Despite the fact that most people believe the heart disease is an illness of age and inevitable, through changing lifestyles and addressing bad habits throughout the population heart disease could be almost all but eliminated. Although heart disease is the leading cause of death in the United States, heart disease is more of a symptomatic result rather than a singular affliction. One of the greatest myths about heart disease is that if it runs in the family there is nothing that can be done to prevent it. The American Heart Association established the idea that this is a myth and that if people take better care of themselves through becoming active, controlling cholesterol, eating better and maintaining healthy weight and sugar control that it is possible to avoid the eventuality of heart disease. The American Heart Association also discusses the problem of people believing that age is relevant to cardiovascular diseases. It is true that more often cardiovascular disease will affect a senior citizen; however the young and middle-aged can also develop heart problems, especially now that obesity has become an epidemic. There are many people who believe that the way in which they live when they are young, has no bearing on what their life will be like when they are older. In many cases, people believe that the young have the ability to have poor lifestyles and survive while they do not need to actually worry about it until they enter middle age (Bell). However, evidence shows that this is not the case. In fact, the way in which a mother takes care of her health during pregnancy appears to have a great deal of effect on the way in which a child has certain health opportunities throughout his or her life (Wintour and Owens 10). Therefore, if the effects that a mother has on a childs

Friday, September 27, 2019

Who do they say you are Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Who do they say you are - Essay Example All of us dream of becoming something great in future. We all have our own resolutions, and we all have something to achieve. It is a common misapprehension that dreams are hard to achieve. A lot of people give up on their dreams even before trying. I used to have the same assumption when I was a child. But, now I feel the exact opposite. We should remember that each and every thing is possible as long as we believe. It is important to understand that dreams should always be kept alive. Transforming our dreams into realities is solely dependent on us. We are the ones in control of our dreams, our lives and we are the ones who can turn our dreams into a fabulous reality. What is required is faith and determination. A person can overcome all hurdles in life if he believes in himself, has faith and is determined and dedicated. I believe there is a difference in dreams and goals. A dream is a fantasy; it’s a flight out of imagination. A fantasy, on the other hand, is accompanied by a plan on how you intend to achieve what you dreamt of. A person with a dream would state, â€Å"Someday, I will be a topper in my field of work.† A person with a goal would instead state â€Å"Someday, I will be a topper in my field of work. I will achieve this by perseverance, and by being dedicated and determined in my efforts consistently. â€Å" There are some dreams, or rather goals, which are very close to my heart. Learning English language and being good at expressing me in English is one. I have promised myself to work relentlessly to achieve this. Another goal is to complete my studies thereby gaining wisdom. I want to prove myself in my field of work. A life is spent worthwhile if we spend it trying to reach our hopes. This makes us a better human being. But, the dream which holds the most importance for me is to join medical mission trips to poor countries in the world once I graduate form nursing. Previously, when I

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Strategic Operations Management Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Strategic Operations Management - Assignment Example On the basis of the relationship with the consumer, the company can capture new orders. This will give the ability to meet the requirement of customers and make the qualitative product. Price and delivery speed are also important factors that seem to be valuable in the stage of OEM. Prices and quick delivery are also a vital part of this market. At the stage of spares, competitive prices also have to set, and the delivery of the product must be fast and quick so to satisfy the customers. Demands of the customer can be change within the period it is essential to provide the product at the right time and reasonable price. It is also needed to focus on other sales that come during these two segments (Malaval & BÃ ©naroy, 2002). Automotive Market distribution of sales is in the way that 10 percent is covered by prototype, 60 percent by OEM and 30 percent by the spares. This market usually works in OEM stage at which the price and delivery of the product become more insightful. The aim is to decrease the cost of the product and produce within a specified time so control the inventory that is under production. This market is specialized in providing the services related to the product for quite long period. The company provides 12 weeks contracts with a material commitment for the same period. Price become less sensitive and demand become less predictable. The spare companies help in extending the relations with the customers. It will lead the product to be sold after the contracting period. Basically, this market will help to sell the product in the near future (Lipsyte, 2010). Industrial sales depend 10 percent on prototype, 45 percent on OEM and rest on spares. At the stage of prototype the orders are won on the quality of giving quick response to the inquiry of the customers. The proposal must include the reasonable price in accordance with the price of the identical product in the market. At OEM stage

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Reflective account Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 3

Reflective account - Essay Example In keeping with customer satisfaction, the sales and marketing departments at Pendennis actually take notes on their customer’s opinions to help improve not only the company, but also the product itself. This is true customer service at its finest. While both companies have specific design specifications that can fit any need, Pendennis stands out in as much as they only allow for 8-9 projects at a time, in order to focus on quality, not quantity. They also strive to achieve the highest standards of excellence in their team, with extensive training and proper management. A&P is also a company that took me by surprise. Given their higher standards of design and construction, they offer international services that are second to none. They own six fully operational dry docks in the UK, and are continuing to expand. They set the standard worldwide in price, quality, safety and the environment. A&P is unusual in the fact that they offer their customers the option of travelling the globe for them to do a repair, rather than the customer bringing their yacht in to them. This is rare and an exceptional quality for a company to have. Although A&P is a very large company, they are very employee as well as customer oriented, to provide only the best to both. Their health and safety record for crew and visitors is incredible, and ensure the safest and most environmentally friendly work environment for their employees as well. 2. Would you like to work for one of these companies? Yes, I would. Although A&P has just as high standards as Pendennis, I would prefer to work for Pendennis to A&P. The reason for this is that at Pendennis, their management levels and ability to build and maintain partnerships with clients is second to none. They have received many awards that can attest to their ability as well as their passion for building yachts. Pendennis also has an apprenticeship program, which allows for an unskilled or unseasoned worker the opportunity of a lifetime t o work for this company, whose apprenticeship program is also renowned. Pendennis has numerous shipyards in Europe and the U. S., providing an employee even more opportunity. They are committed to quality, not quantity, and do everything they can to ensure the customer’s satisfaction and needs are met every time. Regardless of which avenue someone wanted to pursue in yacht building, the high level of training and support of the staff is paramount to the production of quality products. They have many different courses available, so qualifications for staff are easily met, but not without the same high expectation of intelligence, quality and reliability. From planning and design to every aspect of the actual fabrication of the yacht, Pendennis has a training program available to ensure the highest quality in every aspect, every time. 3. What do you think it would be like to be a customer? I think that being a customer of either company would be an experience that would not be matched elsewhere. From common grocery shopping to going out to a restaurant, customer service has fallen in its quality and availability in recent years. Often, customers are more often looked at as an inconvenience, rather than an asset. Therefore, to go to one of these shipbuilding companies, and have my opinions heard and addressed would be amazing. To have my

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Blood Disorders Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Blood Disorders - Research Paper Example Another reason that can result in iron deficiency anemia is due to hemorrhage. But Amy is basically suffering from anemia because of her imbalanced diet which fails to supply iron to her body according to her requirements as she is a young child and the iron requirement is high in young children. The diagnosis is based on the history of the patient as well as the physical examination in which pallor will be seen and increased heartbeat may also be present. Also clinical tests need to be done which include complete blood count as well as the count of reticulocytes. The treatment needs to be directed towards returning the level of iron and hemoglobin in the blood to normal. If there is severe deficiency, iron supplements need to be provided. The next thing is the correction of the diet and the addition of iron rich foods in the diet. These include meat, eggs as well as fish. Vegetable sources include spinach, green vegetables and lentils. Fruits rich in vitamin C should also be taken b ecause they assist in absorption of iron. These include oranges and strawberries. Prevention of the disease is basically focused on the correction of the diet and the maintenance of a proper healthy diet which contains adequate amount of iron. Marcus is a 5-year-old African-American male who has just moved to New York City, and is visiting his new pediatrician for a kindergarten physical. His mom tells the nurse that she carries the trait and wants Marcus screened for it. Marcus’s mother is carrying the sickle cell trait and she wants Marcus to be screened for sickle cell disease which is a condition with a very high preponderance in African-Americans. Sickle cell anemia is a bleeding disorder which is mainly hereditary and is inherited. The disorder results in the synthesis of an abnormal form of hemoglobin which is known as hemoglobin S and it also leads to a decreased lifespan of the red blood cells. This hemoglobin alters the oxygen carrying

Monday, September 23, 2019

Ping Sweeps and Port Scans Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Ping Sweeps and Port Scans - Assignment Example Computer activities fall into broad categories of the ones which enhance proper functioning of other programs running on a computer whereas others which render expected functioning difficult. We must safeguard our computers against the malicious activities. Information about a computer such as the details about its operating system, details about programs running on it, information about various protocols, details about usage of ports and responses to different functions are amongst those targeted by hackers and jammers in a network. Ping sweep is a very fundamental scanning activity used to primarily determine the range of IP addresses which map to live hosts (TechTarget, 2002). Usually we ping a computer to know the active presence of the desired host. However, ping sweeps do it for a multitude of computers. Ping sweep is also known as ICMP (Internet Control Message Protocol) sweep (TechTarget, 2002). Ping sweeps can be performed voluntarily by an organization to determine active hosts. Upon determination we use this data to perform data transactions/sharing between desired active hosts. It can also be performed by an outsider with an intention to drag information out of a computer database for wrong purposes. The process of knowing active hosts in ping sweep is similar to an act where a pickpocket identifies his prey in a crowded bus (Murali, 2004). Every sweep is an attempt with hope. We can take stringent security measures to avoid responding to external pings. Once the computer responds to ping sweep, there begins the next process of port scanning. Port scan is the process of sending messages to a port for determining the type of network services offered by the host (Ireland, S, 2009). Upon receiving messages the ports respond with their status of being in use or being dormant. Depending upon this status information, the tuned port can now be used for hacking useful and often confidential information. The ports represent potential communication

Sunday, September 22, 2019

Mobilization of Bulgarian women after the fall of communism (in Essay

Mobilization of Bulgarian women after the fall of communism (in Bulgaria) - Essay Example In fact, Bulgarian women contribute higher population of work force than the males. On 1987, women work force comprise of 71.7% of the population while there were only 68.5% of from the male counterparts1. However, in the most recent years, the percentage of Bulgarian women's work force populace dropped gradually. This is because during the time that most women were part of the working population, many business establishments and/or employers have realized the broader roles that women had to play at home and at work. In Bulgaria, women have a wide range of domestic roles. Aside from the fact that they have to bear and take care of the offspring, they still have to manage all the household duties. They have to take care of the domestic needs of the husband and of the children. They have to ensure that all the things concerning household are well taken care of. Needless to say, domestic roles must come first before the women can attend to their duties as paid laborers 2. Before, because women were one of the biggest members of he working force of Bulgaria, the government have provided a number of benefits for the women, as a gratitude for their double-faceted roles in the country - being the "producer and the reproducer". This prompted for the establishment of maternity leaves in this part of Southeastern Europe. Moreover, alternative work schedules and child care were also formulated3. B But because there are more women paid laborers during that time, more companies had to suffer in terms of growth and earnings. More so, it was reported that although most Bulgarian women were so keen to working, they passion to work diminishes as they started to build their own family. "women place high value on women's paid labor as a source of independence and personal fulfillment; however, it also appears that for most Czechoslovak women a home and children are of greater importance than a job"4 At the same time, in response to the global perspective of working towards a market economy, more companies have to ensure that the company's allocation of resources is handled properly and efficiently. The cal for "stabilizing and restructuring measures including price liberalization, liberalization of imports, private sector growth, macroeconomic anti-inflationary policy, and internal convertibility" was enacted. The stabilization and structural adjustment of the companies established a series of change for the women labor force. Gradually, more and more companies opted to hire male workers than females5. The implementation of "neo-liberal type of economic restructuring" in Bulgaria has affected its women populace. There were reports rendering that "the marginalization and/or exclusion of women incurred by cutbacks in state-funded services such as health care, child care, family planning, education, and sectoral restructuring with heavy reductions in bureaucracy and civil services" was experienced mostly by women6. Further research revealed that eventually, Bulgarian women who are in the labor force

Saturday, September 21, 2019

Accounting and Corporate Governance Essay Example for Free

Accounting and Corporate Governance Essay The memo is to address the accounting maneuver of Lehman’s Repo 105 (or 108) from perspectives of accounting and corporate governance. The memo will illustrate the role of repo transaction in Lehman’s business model, analyze the accounting irregularities regarding repo by Lehman, observe auditors’ role in these irregularities, and discuss the corresponding accounting and corporate governance issues. In addition, the memo will provide recommendations on how to prevent financial institutions from abusing regulatory deficiencies by emphasizing on the importance of accounting regulation, auditors’ role, and business ethics. See more: Recruitment and selection process essay The major goal of Lehman’s Repo 105 is to temporarily remove troubled securities from its balance sheet while presenting favorable financial statements to its investors, creditors, rating agencies, and the public. By temporarily removing these securities from its balance sheet, Lehman made its leverage ratio much lower. With low leverage ratio, Lehman would keep its credit rating at high level and maintained its customers’ confidence. A repo, or sale and repurchase agreement, is an agreement in which one party transfers to another party as collateral for a short-term borrowing of cash, while simultaneously agreeing to repay the cash and take back the collateral at a specific point in time (SFAS 140). An ordinary repo should be treated as a financing transaction and should be accounted for as a secured borrowing. An ordinary repo is a commonly-used form of secured loan between financial institutions. In fact, repo does not have real economic substance. However, by the Repo 105 transactions, Lehman did the same in an ordinary repo, but because the assets value were 105 percent or more of the cash received, accounting rules permitted the transactions to be treated as sales rather than financing. Lehman aggressively employed Repo 105 transactions before reporting periods at the end of 2007 and the first two quarters of 2008. During the reporting periods, Repo transactions helped Lehman remove assets from balance sheet and use cash received to payback short-term loans. In addition, Lehman did not report any liabilities that reflected the obligation to repay the borrowed funds. After the reporting periods, Lehman would borrow funds to repurchases the transferred assets. Then these assets would be reversed on the balance sheet again. The consideration is whether Lehman’s accounting for Repo 105 violated the Generally Accepted Accounting Principal (the GAAP). Statement of Financial Accounting Standards No. 140 (SFAS 140) provides the accounting guidelines on repo transactions. A company is permitted to account for these transactions as sales only if the transferor surrenders control over the assets to transferees. To account for a repo transaction as a sale, all three conditions must be met: 1) the transferred assets must be isolated from the transfer, 2) transferee has right to pledge or exchange the assets, 3) the transferor does not maintain effective control over the transferred assets. A typical repo contract can easily meet the first two conditions. However, in order to take advantage of favorable accounting treatment as sales transaction, Lehman has employed some accounting maneuvers to meet the third condition. SFAS 140 (Paragraph 218) states that the transferor’s right to repurchase is not assured unless the repurchase price is 102 percent or less of the cash received, or the cash received is 98 percent or more of the value of the transferred assets. â€Å"The Board believes that other collateral arrangements typical fall well outside that guideline (FASB, 2000, p. 91). † The repurchase price of Repo 105 is 105 percent of the cash received, which is higher than the 102 percent guideline. As a result, Lehman could argue that Repo 105 did not meet the third condition of maintaining effective control, and then classified it as sales. Based upon the above analysis, Lehman’s accounting for Repo 105 seemed to be technically in compliance with the U. S. GAAP. However, Lehman’s bankruptcy examiner Anton R. Valukas (2010) provided evidence showing that Lehman intended to use Repo 105 to manipulate its 10-K and 10-Q financial reporting. Valukas argued that the classification of these repo transactions should be based on its economic substance rather than its form (such as the 102 rule). Since Lehman had clear intent to buy back the transferred assets under Repo 105, these transactions are clearly secured borrowing and should not have been recorded as sales. The obvious accounting irregularity is Lehman’s failure of disclosing Repo 105 transaction in its quarterly and annual financial reports. Valukas (2010)’ report indicates that Lehman’s SEC 10-K and 10-Q filing between 2000 to third quarter, 2007, regularly misrepresented some repo transaction as â€Å"secured borrowings† despite that it actually recorded as sales. In addition, Lehman never disclosed its involvement in Repo 105 its 10-K of 2007 and the first 10-Q of 2008 (Chang et al, 2011). In fact, Lehman has aggressively involved in Repo 105 during the end of 2007 and first two quarters of 2008, removing approximately by $38. billion in fourth quarter 2007, $49. 1 billion in first quarter 2008, and $50. 38 billion in second quarter 2008 (Valukas, 2010). It is clear that Lehman’s misrepresentation and failure of disclosure of its Repo 105 practice is material enough to mislead its investors, debtors, rating agencies and the public. As the auditor of Lehman Brothers, Ernst Young approved the use of Repo 105 transactions. These transactions were characterized as sales of assets and created a misleading picture of Lehmans financial position during the financial meltdown. Ernst Young said in a statement: â€Å"Our last audit of the company was for the fiscal year ending November 30, 2007. Our opinion indicated that Lehman’s financial statements for that year were fairly presented in accordance with Generally Accepted Accounting Principles, and we remain of that view. † Ernst Young would like the public to believe their responsibility for Lehman’s financial statements ends with the 2007 10-K. Actually, It does not. According to the examiner’s report, Ernst Young had just started planning for its year-end audit of Lehman when the firm collapsed into bankruptcy. Lehman remained an EY client until the bankruptcy in September 2008. This period included two more 10-Qs. But most troubling for the auditors could be allegations in the examiner’s report that Ernst Young did not inform the audit committee on Lehman’s board about a whistleblower who had expressed concerns about the repos to them. In a March 2010 letter to its clients, EY defended its audit work for Lehman. The letter states that Lehmans bankruptcy resulted from unprecedented adverse events in the financial markets, declining asset values, and loss of market confidence that caused a collapse in its liquidity. The firm believes the bankruptcy wasnt caused by accounting or disclosure issues, as Lehmans financial statements clearly portrayed it as a leveraged entity operating in a risky and volatile industry. † The most telling assertion in the complaint concerning EYs alleged misrepresentation of Lehmans compliance with applicable accounting standards is that EY didnt require the financial statements to reflect economic substance rather than just legal form. In other words, the complaint accuses EY of letting Lehman engage in transactions without business purpose in order to achieve a specific financial-statement result. The bankruptcy examiner said that the sole function of Repo 105 transactions as employed by Lehman was to reduce its publicly reported net leverage and net balance sheet. Although Lehman knew that none of its peer companies were using the same accounting tricks to arrive the leverage numbers, it continued to rely on the use of Repo 105 substantially, at a level that is much higher than the originally defined â€Å"materiality† level by the management. As a consequence, it left Lehman with heavy concentrations of illiquid assets which could not be monetized to meet its current obligations (Lehman Brothers Holding Inc. v. Debtors, 2010). The Examiner did not find supporting evidence to bring â€Å"colorable claims† (Lehman Brothers Holding Inc. v. Debtors, 2010) against Lehman’s directors, however, they should have better monitored the managers. And the examiner did find sufficient evidence to support a colorable claim against certain senior officers for breaching their fiduciary duties to shareholders and other stakeholders because they failed to inform the public and shareholders about the substantial use of Repo 105 by non-disclosure of related information and by filing materially misleading periodic reports, which risked the company with potential liabilities; and they also failed to advise the Board of Directors of the Repo 105 practice (Lehman Brothers Holding Inc. v. Debtors, 2010). The examiner also concluded that sufficient evidence existed that Lehman’s quarter? nd Repo 105 practice was material and should have been disclosed in the financial statements. In addition, Lehman had an obligation to disclose required information relate to Repo 105 in its MDA statement. In terms of accounting malpractice, Lehman’s external auditor, Ernst Young, was also held responsible for allowing Lehman’s financial reports to go unchallenged. Ernst Young well knew the practice of Repo 105 adopted by the company, but failed to review the volume and timing of Repo 105 transactions, and failed to access the materiality of information omitted regarding Repo 105 transactions. Furthermore, Ernst Young failed to conduct investigations with regard to the concern about Repo 105 raised by Matthew Lee, then-Senior President of Finance Division. In conclusion, corporate governance was lacking both internally and externally (Lehman Brothers Holding Inc. v. Debtors, 2010). The accounting irregularity of Lehman’s Repo 105 practice partly due to the deficiencies of accounting rules, however, integrity or accounting professionals as well as business ethics also play an important role in the accounting malpractice. In 2009, FASB issued SFAS 166 to amend SFAS 140. These efforts could close some loophole in accounting standards. Good corporate governance requires not only effective board and ethical top management, but also reliable accounting personnel and independent outside auditors, to properly perform their jobs and fulfill their responsibilities, to create the â€Å"check and balance† that can maintain the financial health of a company and at the same time to reduce agency cost. In case when one party went badly, the others could and should be there to detect the potential problems and to monitor and correct the mistakes. In summary, the ethical challenges faced by EY in deciding how to address issues with a long-standing and profitable client may be faced by many public accountants. In fact, accountants in all areas of the profession frequently face similar ethical issues of simultaneously complying with their duties for faithful service and loyalty to their employer or client while respecting their responsibilities to other stakeholders. Doing the right thing for all concerned may sometimes be an impossible assignment. Guidance such as the overarching principles of honesty, fairness, objectivity, and responsibility contained in the IMA Statement of Ethical Professional Practice will go a long way toward helping all accountants to do the right thing. Doing the right thing is always the best policy in the long run.

Friday, September 20, 2019

Evaluation Of Service Quality In Hotel Taj Marriot Tourism Essay

Evaluation Of Service Quality In Hotel Taj Marriot Tourism Essay To lead and become the international benchmark in the hospitality industry, not only in India but also in the Key regions of the world and To dazzle and delight our customers with utmost quality, food and beverage experience and exceptional service standards. The Taj Mahal hotel, Mumbai(india ) was opened on December 16,1903 under the taj group by Jamsetji Nusserwanji Tata, the founder of the Tata Group. htis hotel was incorporated with IHCL. Now currently Rs. 678 millions can be operated bythe taj hotels. t his is growing day by day and become th elargest hotel chain in the india. The Taj Mahal Palace Tower is one of the famous five star hotels in india and it is regarded as the most prestigious luxury five star hotel. This hotel is 105 years old hotel having the heritage building under the group of taj hotel resorts and palaces. The hotel taj mahal contains 565 rooms.this hotel was opened in 1903 commisioned in Indo-saracenic style by Tata. the hotel taj made unique history from his service sand and give best service sto their customers and supportive fro every has marvellous artitecure which brings together Moorish , Florentine and oriental styles. It is a gracious landmark of Mumbai as it provides panoramic views of the Arabi an Sea and the Gateway of India. On novemeber 2008 , during the series of terroroist attacks in mumbai , the hotel taj marriot was under attack of the terrorists there is a big damage in the hotel including destruction of roof and about 167 hostages were therehe. After this attack the management of hotel annouced thathe hotel will be repared and the expenditure to repair it will be INR 5 billions and it will take 12 months to repair. In july ,209 , Hilary Clinton visit the Mumbai taj hotel and stayed there as the patway to improvement the hotel taj mahal,in October 12, 2006, the Company approved the Scheme, under Sections 391 to 394 of the Companies and this scheme was approved by the High Courts.   In July 2002, the hotel has won several international awards. The Taj hotel Group also obtained licenses to manage and operate two leisure hotels; the Rawal-Kot, Jaisalmer and Usha Kiran Palace, Gwalior in October 2002. Taj Group access to the midtown and North Mumbai market. The hotel has since been renamed as the Taj Lands End, Mumbai. An din tear 2003 the hotel taj celebrated its centenary of the opening of its flagship hotel. In 2004 it opened its first luxury service apartment Wellington Mews. The Taj Mahal Intercontinental Hotel in Mumbai consist of 582 rooms which are fully air condodtione dwith 49 suits.each room is equipped with data port , speaker phones , with IDD ,fax available , sea cty fcing rooms TV and satellite rooms , 24 service fro laundary service with eminent club rooms. This hotel in the Mumbai provide the top most services in the luxury hotels and majestic accommodation. During the recession period After the terrorist attack in 2008 taj has to face the financial problems and to rasise up from it this affects the occupancy rate of the hotel and to improve the occupancy rate the hotel offered the suite of $6750 per offer to attract te tourist . the torist in hotel taj came from the worldwide.after the attack the hoyel made a a mable memorialin the lobby for 131 guests and staff who died in terrorist attack. Now they have improved their security system by putting xray machines ansd metal detectors on the screen guessts at the entrance of the vechicals. According to business weekly news there is decline of 5.8 %in Mumbai for shares in Indian hotelsltd. Operator of taj brand . Beside of all these taj is one of the original grand hotel in the world. With the passing of time its reputation spread and grew constantly. LITERATURE REVIEW Literature review: Two major reasons exist for reviewing the literature. The first, the preliminary search that helps you to generate and refine your research ideas. The second, often referred to as critical review, is part of research project proper. (Sharp and Howard, 1996) Most research books argue that this critical review of literature is necessary. After through studies of different Export and import books and  literature, I have found that only a small portion is dedicated to the buyers and sellers behavior and most of the focus is given to, how to export and import. No doubt these were not adequate information to compete my research thats why I decided to search more and more information on topic and now hopefully I have gathered adequate information to deal with my Research methodology and to support my arguments. And this information, gathered from journal and articles will focus on the British and Pakistani textiles buyers and sellers perspective. The literature used in this research will also help in analyzing the issues and results critically either by comparing different point of views of different authors or by quoting statements in the favor of results. To gain products knowledge I will use my observations and company documents. Deductive approach: A theory/hypothesis is applied/tested by the collection of data. I shall use the literature to help me to identify theories and ideas that I shall test using data. I shall also develop a theoretical or conceptual framework which I subsequently test using data.   Inductive approach: Theory is developed after the data have been collected. I will be planning to explore my data and to develop theories from them that I shall subsequently relate to the literature. Review purposes: The literature review has a number of purposes. Many of these have been highlighted by Gall et al. (1996). These are To help you to refine further your research question(s) and objectives; To highlight research possibilities that have been overlooked implicitly in research to date; To help you to avoid simply repeating work that has been done already; To sample current opinions in newspapers, professional and trade journals thereby gaining insight into the aspects of your research question(s) and objectives that are considered newsworthy; To discover and provide an insight into research strategies and methodologies that may be appropriate to your own research question(s) and objectives; To discover explicit recommendations for further research. These can provide you with superb justification for your own research question(s) and objectives; Literature sources available: The literature sources available to help researcher to develop a good understanding of and insight into previous research can be divided into three categories: Primary (published and unpublished) Secondary Tertiary Primary literature sources  (also known as grey literature) are the first occurrence of a piece of work. They include published sources such as reports and some central and local government publications such as white papers and planning documents. They also include unpublished manuscripts sources such as letters, memos. There are so many published sources available from where I can get enough information about my research topic. Pakistani government published so much material on the export of Pakistan Textile industry. I read that publications and I got a good idea about the behavior of the Pakistani sellers and also about the buyers of the Pakistani Textile products. I also reviewed the reports, which are published by the British government about the import of the textile products from different countries. This is also helpful for my research topic. Secondary literature sources  such as books and journals are the subsequent publications of primary literature. These publications are aimed at a wider audience. They are easier to locate than primary literature as they are better covered by the tertiary literature. There is book by  Nasim Yousaf  with the title Export Import Apparel and Textiles from Pakistan will be quite helpful for my research. In this book there is so much information about the Pakistani textile industry and there is also some information about the buyers and sellers behavior. There is also enough information about the topic in so many articles and journals, which are written, by the Pakistani authors and British authors. From these articles and journals I got so much information about my topic. This will be helpful for me in the future. Tertiary literature sources  also called search tools, are designed either to help to locate primary and secondary literature or to introduce a topic. They therefore include indexes and abstract as well as encyclopedias and bibliographies. Export Promotion Bureau of Pakistan has a uploaded a website and on that website I found so much relevant material about my research topic. In that website there is so much information about the, share of Pakistani textile products in the international market, the information about the main buyers and sellers of textiles products, about the quality of the Pakistani textile products, in that website they also discussed the buyers expectation from the Pakistani seller. So this website of Export Promotion Bureau Pakistan is also a good source or information for my research topic. Evaluating the literature: For evaluating the literature two questions frequently asked how do I know what I am reading is relevant? and how do I know when I have read enough? both of questions are concerned with the process of evaluation. You should, of course, read all the literature that is closely related to your research question(s) and objectives. The literature that is most likely to cause problems is that which is less related (Gall et al.; 1996). After collecting all the information from all of the sources then I will evaluate my literature that what is much important for my research and which is less important for my research topic. I will evaluate the literature by keeping some important in my mind like how recent the item is, do it have enough references, does the item support my research topic etc. Research Design and Methodology: The research philosophy: The research philosophy refers to the fundamental approach that research should be conducted. There are three views about the research process dominating the literature: positivism, interpretivism, and realism. The mixed approach will be applied in my research work, primarily because the subject matter is largely intangible, open to subjective interpretation and based upon social interaction.  As Saunders et al (2003, p99)  point that: there are two major advantages to applying multi-methods in the same study. First, different methods can be used for different purposes in a study. Secondly, it enables triangulation to take place.   Qualitative Approach: Secondary Research: Published  data that is Books about the export of Pakistan textiles and also about the buyers and sellers behavior of the Pakistan textile. Articles and Journals on Pakistan textile export for UK Chamber of Commerce Documents Internet Websites Past conducted research Print and electronic media Primary Research: Personal experience and observations: As I have worked in this industry thats why I know the trends in textile and the rules against conducting this business. I also have the idea of Britain buyers behaviors and about their needs and expectations. Pure Research: The research conducted for the topic will be pure and it will discuss the core issue for the sake of improving knowledge. It will directly discuss about the buyers and sellers behavior for the Pakistan textile industry in a theoretical way. Inductive Approach: My approach towards data gathering will be inductive, as it is a flexible structure to utilize all the data in your research findings and also based on qualitative data with a slight involvement of quantitative data. JUSTIFICATION HYPOTHESIS METHODOLOGY RESEARCH REPORT 2. SECONDARY RESEARCH PRIMARY RESEARCH QUALITATAIVE QUANTITATIVE SCOPE LIMITATION ETHICS

Thursday, September 19, 2019

Romanticism in Hawthornes Young Goodman Brown, The Birthmark, and Rapp

Romanticism in Young Goodman Brown, The Birth-Mark, and Rappaccini's Daughter  Ã‚  Ã‚      Nathaniel Hawthorne gives his own definition of romanticism in the preface to The House of Seven Gables. According to Hawthorne, the writer of a romance may "claim a certain latitude" and may "deepen and enrich the shadows of the picture," as long as he does not "swerve aside from the truth of the human heart." The writer of a romance "will be mingle the Marvelous" as long as he does it to a "slight," however if he "disregards this caution," he will not be committing "a literary crime" (Hawthorne, House of Seven Gables, preface). Nathaniel Hawthorne consistently stays true to his standards of romanticism. The application of these standards is most abundant and lucid in "Young Goodman Brown," "The Birth-Mark," and "Rappaccini's Daughter."    The chief difference between a novel and a romance as defined by Hawthorne, and in general, is that the writer of novel must stick to reality, whereas the writer a of romance, Hawthorne in this case, may "claim a certain latitude" (T.H.O.S.G., preface). This "latitude" is expressed in "Rappaccini's Daughter," "...Dew-drops that hung upon leaf and blossom, and, while giving a brighter beauty to each rare flower, brought everything in the limits of an ordinary experience" (Hawthorne, "Rappaccini's Daughter" 655). Although a large portion of the story is spent on describing the vegetation that grow in the garden, Hawthorne symbolizes the flowers as dark and mysterious, not realistic. Hawthorne's use of exaggeration is seen more keenly in "The Birth-Mark." Hawthorne exaggerates this birthmark to mythical proportions, "dreadful Hand" or "Crimson Hand" is how he refers to Georgiana's birth-mark.... ...ed that to be successful. Although, it is possible to write a romance without referring to the supernatural, and certainly many have done so, it's the "Marvelous," that keeps one coming back for more. In all three stories, Hawthorne refers to the "Marvelous," thus remaining true to his definition of romanticism.    One may ponder if Hawthorne's definition of romanticism, as defined in the preface to the House of Seven Gables, was written for that certain work or if his definition of romanticism applies to all his work. As the three works analyzed show, he follows his definition of romanticism throughout his work. Hawthorne succeeds at setting appropriate standards for romanticism and then applying them in his work. Thus, he is remembered as one of the greatest Romantic authors of all time, both by his definition of romanticism and ours. (1057)         

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Emilias Contemporary Stand :: essays research papers

Emilia’s Contemporary Stand In equation with the Elizabethan era, Shakespeare offers us a male dominated society in his renowned tragedy, Othello. Consequently, this definitely persuades a negative attitude and demeanor towards the women of the times. The female characters in the play: Desdemona, Emilia, and Bianca; play relevant roles in contributing to one’s understanding of this exhausted Elizabethan view. In contrast to the larger portion of the play, Emilia, spouse to the scandalous Iago, takes an opinionated stand for Desdemona in relation to her wholesome gone sour relationship with the Moor of Venice, Othello. I recognize Emilia’s â€Å"Betrayal lecture† as a justified outlook in accordance with today’s period and events surrounding Desdemona’s and Othello’s fatal misunderstanding. In Act IV, scene ii and iii, Emilia shows her contemporary views about relationships to the audience and talks to Desdemona while doing so. She believes that many men and women are commonly guilty of cheating and betrayal of their partner. At this point, Othello’s worries of Desdemona’s unfaithfulness have wholly increased, and he begins to accuse her of cheating on him. Desdemona then hopes Othello sees to her honesty and truthfulness of the matter. â€Å"I hope my noble lord esteems me honest† (Act IV, scene II line 67). Othello counters her begging by beginning his sarcasm and request for her to never have been born. He says, â€Å"O, ay. As summer flies are in the shambles,that quicken even with blowing. O Thou weed, Who art so lovely fair and smell’st so sweet That the sense aches at thee, would thou hadst ne’er been born!†(Act IV scene II lines 68-70) As Desdemona constantly denies his accusations, Othello becomes very angry. He asks for her forgiveness (jokingly) and says â€Å"I took you for that cunning whore of Venice† (Act IV, scene ii, line 93). Desdemona is left mad by Othello’s ridicule and listens to Emilia’s contrasting attitude. As Othello and Lodovico leave the scene, the Moor commands Desdemona to exit Emilia’s presence and exclaims, â€Å"get you to bed on th’ instant.(Act IV scene iii line 7). Emilia fervently disagrees with Othello and graces us with her pro- female attitudes once again by saying, â€Å" I would you had never seen him†, with Desdemona agreeing light-heartedly as well.(Act IV scene iii lines 19-20) . Emilia displays to Desdemona a helping hand and says to leave Othello if she is so hurt by his â€Å"understandings†. â€Å"†¦Having the world for your labor, ‘tis a wrong in your own world, and you might quickly make it right† She is basically explaining to Desdemona to leave Othello for his ludicrous antics.

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Antigone Essay -- English Literature

Antigone Essay In any story or piece of literature, there will always be the main characters to fill the pages with incessant adventure. The characters whose names appear on almost every page and the characters whose actions the story revolves around. However, a story will also always have its minor characters. These are the characters that contribute heavily to the plot, yet aren't mentioned quite as often and are underestimated regarding their importance in the story. In the Greek masterpiece, Antigone, the author Sophocles construed a myriad of minor characters that contributed to the story in numerous ways. Ismene, one of Oedipus' daughters, was created to foil the main character, Antigone. Haemon, the son of Creon, took the role of adding controversy and showing his father revenge for all the trouble he caused Thebes. And finally, Tiresias, an elderly blind prophet, was constructed to diminish Creon's hubris. Firstly, Ismene's character was created primarily to foil that of Antigone's. When Antigone initially discussed her plans to contest the King's orders, Ismene was against it and tried to argue with her sister, hoping to dispel the plan from her mind. In lines 71-74, Ismene states during her argument, "think what a death we'll die, the worst of all if we violate the laws and override the fixed decree of the throne, it's power- we must be sensible." During the entire story the two characters have obvious opposing views and personalities. Ismene is discerned as rational, cautious, and dutiful, while Antigone is conveyed as intractable, brave, and disobedient. Another example of the discrepancy between the characters is the way that they are physically represented. Sophocles generated Ismene w... ...ty fits together like a puzzle. For example, without those blank sky pieces that fit at the top of a puzzle, it can never be completed. Same rule applies to any story, without the minor characters to reveal hidden information or to simple add drama, then a story can never be completed. In the Greek tragedy, Antigone, the author, Sophocles, presents the minor characters in his story with important functions and responsibilities. Ismene, Antigone's sister, had the purpose of foiling Antigone in order to create undeclared confliction between the characters. Haemon, Antigone's fiancÃÆ'Â ©e, was meant to bring justification to the string of deaths at the end of the story. And lastly, Tiresias, the respected prophet, was carefully produced as the character who pushed Creon's conscious over the edge and influenced him the most to withdraw his punishment for Antigone.

Monday, September 16, 2019

Describe Gender Roles at Work and in the Home Essay

Males and females have always had different gender roles and these roles have an impact on the workplace and home. However there are also some disadvantages for both of them. This essay will describe gender roles at work and in the home with reference to Japan. Firstly, many women are distressed by the balance between home and work. They face â€Å"role overload† ,which means trying to merge the roles of worker and mother or wife. When both spouses work outside, women tend to do the â€Å"lion’s share† of the housework. For example, an Australian research showed that working women do roughly 70 hours of housework while working husbands only do approximately 31 hours. In Japan many women work fulltime share the housework with their spouse. However there are still some women who work both at home and at the work place and still experience â€Å"role overload. † Secondly, many men also experience challenges with gender roles. While they are less likely to suffer from prejudice, there are more disadvantages than advantages. For example, many men tend to experience stress from the pressure to make money, the situation employment, and social expectations. In Japan, many men experience these problems as well as the responsibility to earn a good salary. However the current financial crisis makes difficult for them to keep their position and workplace. Thirdly, a lot of women are confronted with inequality at work. Nowadays their rights have become much better than in the past and therefore gender equality is guarded in many places by laws. As a result, most women can get higher salaries than before. However inequality at work still remains and even though men and women have the same qualifications or skills, women still earn lower salaries and have lower status. For example, many of their jobs are inferior to men’s jobs and they do not have opportunities to get higher positions because of the â€Å"glass ceiling. † In Japan, women’s rights have improved and many can get higher positions, like cabinet ministers in the Japanese government. However for some women this problem still continues. In conclusion, many workplace rights have become much better than in the past and many women can get good salaries and positions. However both spouses still experience â€Å"role overload† and pressure to earn money. When these problems are dealt with, people’s lives will improve in the future.

Innovation and creativity evaluation of Apple Corporation Essay

Economic growth and development of any country depends upon a well-knit financial system. Financial system comprises, a set of sub-systems of financial institutions financial markets, financial instruments and services which help in the formation of capital. Thus a financial system provides a mechanism by which savings are transformed into investments and it can be said that financial system play an significant role in economic growth of the country by mobilizing surplus funds and utilizing them effectively for productive purpose. The financial system is characterized by the presence of integrated, organized and regulated financial markets, and institutions that meet the short term and long term financial needs of both the household and corporate sector. Both financial markets and financial institutions play an important role in the financial system by rendering various financial services to the community. They operate in close combination with each other. Financial System The word â€Å"system†, in the term â€Å"financial system†, implies a set of complex and closely connected or interlined institutions, agents, practices, markets, transactions, claims, and liabilities in the economy. The financial system is concerned about money, credit and finance-the three terms are intimately related yet are somewhat different from each other. Indian financial system consists of financial market, financial instruments and financial intermediation Role/ Functions of Financial System: A financial system performs the following functions: * It serves as a link between savers and investors. It helps in utilizing the mobilized savings of scattered savers in more efficient and effective manner. It channelises flow of saving into productive investment. * It assists in the selection of the projects to be financed and also reviews the performance of such projects periodically. * It provides payment mechanism for exchange of goods and services. * It provides a mechanism for the transfer of resources across geographic boundaries. It provides a   mechanism for managing and controlling the risk involved in mobilizing savings and allocating credit. * It promotes the process of capital formation by bringing together the supply of saving and the demand for investible funds. * It helps in lowering the cost of transaction and increase returns. Reduce cost motives people to save more. * It provides you detailed information to the operators/ players in the market such as individuals, business houses, Governments etc. Components/ Constituents of Indian Financial system: The following are the four main components of Indian Financial system 1. Financial institutions 2. Financial Markets 3. Financial Instruments/Assets/Securities 4. Financial Services. Financial institutions: Financial institutions are the intermediaries who facilitates smooth functioning of the financial system by making investors and borrowers meet. They mobilize savings of the surplus units and allocate them in productive activities promising a better rate of return. Financial institutions also provide services to entities seeking advises on various issues ranging from restructuring to diversification plans. They provide whole range of services to the entities who want to raise funds from the markets elsewhere. Financial institutions act as financial intermediaries because they act as middlemen between savers and borrowers. Were these financial institutions may be of Banking or Non-Banking institutions. Financial Markets: Finance is a prerequisite for modern business and financial institutions play a vital role in economic system. It’s through financial markets the financial system of an economy works. The main functions of financial markets are. To facilitate creation and allocation of credit and liquidity; 2. to serve as intermediaries for mobilization of savings; 3. to assist process of balanced economic growth; 4. to provide financial convenience Financial Instruments Another important constituent of financial system is financial instruments. They represent a claim against the future income and wealth of others. It will be a claim against a person or an institutions, for the payment of the some of the money at a specified future date. Financial Services: Efficiency of emerging financial system largely depends upon the quality and variety of financial services provided by financial intermediaries. The term financial services can be defined as â€Å"activites, benefits and satisfaction connected with sale of money, that offers to users and customers, financial related value†. Pre-reforms Phase Until the early 1990s, the role of the financial system in India was primarily restricted to the function of channeling resources from the surplus to deficit sectors. Whereas the financial system performed this role reasonably well, its operations came to be marked by some serious deficiencies over the years. The banking sector suffered from lack of competition, low capital base, low Productivity and high intermediation cost. After the nationalization of large banks in 1969 and 1980, the Government-owned banks dominated the banking sector. The role of technology was minimal and the quality of service was not given adequate importance. Banks also did not follow proper risk management systems and the prudential standards were weak. All these resulted in poor asset quality and low profitability. Among non-banking financial intermediaries, development finance institutions (DFIs) operated in an over-protected environment with most of the funding coming from assured sources at concessional terms. In the insurance sector, there was little competition. The mutual fund industry also suffered from lack of competition and was dominated for long by one institution, viz. , the Unit Trust of India. Non-banking financial companies (NBFCs) grew rapidly, but there was no regulation of their asset side. Financial markets were characterized by control over pricing of financial assets, barriers to entry, high transaction costs and restrictions on movement of funds/participants between the market segments. This apart from inhibiting the development of the markets also affected their efficiency. Financial Sector Reforms in India It was in this backdrop that wide-ranging financial sector reforms in India were introduced as an integral part of the economic reforms initiated in the early 1990s with a view to improving the macroeconomic performance of the economy. The reforms in the financial sector focused on creating efficient and stable financial institutions and markets. The approach to financial sector reforms in India was one of gradual and non-disruptive progress through a consultative process. The Reserve Bank has been consistently working towards setting an enabling regulatory framework with prompt and effective supervision, development of technological and institutional infrastructure, as well as changing the interface with the market participants through a consultative process. Persistent efforts have been made towards adoption of international benchmarks as appropriate to Indian conditions. While certain changes in the legal infrastructure are yet to be effected, the developments so far have brought the Indian financial system closer to global standards. The reform of the interest regime constitutes an integral part of the financial sector reform. With the onset of financial sector reforms, the interest rate regime has been largely deregulated with a view towards better price discovery and efficient resource allocation. Initially, steps were taken to develop the domestic money market and freeing of the money market rates. The interest rates offered on Government securities were progressively raised so that the Government borrowing could be carried out at market-related rates. In respect of banks, a major effort was undertaken to simplify the administered structure of interest rates. Banks now have sufficient flexibility to decide their deposit and lending rate structures and manage their assets and liabilities accordingly. At present, apart from savings account and NRE deposit on the deposit side and export credit and small loans on the lending side, all other interest rates are deregulated. Indian banking system operated for a long time with high reserve requirements both in the form of Cash Reserve Ratio (CRR) and Statutory Liquidity Ratio (SLR). This was a consequence of the high fiscal deficit and a high degree of monetisation of fiscal deficit. The efforts in the recent period have been to lower both the CRR and SLR. The statutory minimum of 25 per cent for SLR has already been reached, and while the Reserve Bank continues to pursue its medium-term objective of reducing the CRR to the statutory minimum level of 3. 0 per cent, the CRR of SCBs is currently placed at 5. 0 per cent of NDTL. As part of the reforms programme, due attention has been given to diversification of ownership leading to greater market accountability and improved efficiency. Initially, there was infusion of capital by the Government in public sector banks, which was followed by expanding the capital base with equity participation by the private investors. This was followed by a reduction in the Government shareholding in public sector banks to 51 per cent. Consequently, the share of the public sector banks in the aggregate assets of the banking sector has come down from 90 per cent in 1991 to around 75 per cent in2004. With a view to enhancing efficiency and productivity through competition, guidelines were laid down for establishment of new banks in the private sector and the foreign banks have been allowed more liberal entry. Since 1993, twelve new private sector banks have been set up. As a major step towards enhancing competition in the banking sector, foreign direct investment in the private sector banks is now allowed up to 74 per cent, subject to conformity with the guidelines issued from time to time. Conclusion: The Indian financial system has undergone structural transformation over the past decade. The financial sector has acquired strength, efficiency and stability by the combined effect of competition, regulatory measures, and policy environment. While competition, consolidation and convergence have been recognized as the key drivers of the banking sector in the coming years

Sunday, September 15, 2019

Man vs. Machine Essay

Since the yearly Fifties science fiction movies have depicted robots as very sophisticated machines built by humans to perform complex operations, to work with humans in safe critical missions, in hostile environments, or more often to pilot and control spaceships in galactic travels. At the same time, however, intelligent robots have also been depicted as dangerous machines, capable of working against man through wicked plans. In the Terminator the view of the future is even more catastrophic: robots will become intelligent and self-aware and will take over the human race. The dual implication often accredited to science fiction robots represents the clear look of desire and fear that man has towards his technology. From one hand, in fact, man projects in a robot his wild desire of immortality, holds in a powerful and indestructible artificial being, which intellective, sensory, and motor capabilities are much more amplified than that of a normal man. On the other hand, however, there is a fear that a too advanced technology can get out of control, acting against man. The Terminator saga is not just a collection of Terminator, and T2. Instead the saga is one of a continuing storyline that in many ways has spanned all of man’s existence. Machines and technology have always presented temporary change and adversity for man to overcome. A machine may simplify a process but take away the livelihood of a few. From the days of horse drawn carriage drivers fearing being replaced by a key turned automobile, to today’s computer controlled manufacturing environments; workers have always feared of being replaced by â€Å"machine†. The strength of the Terminator movies is the singular humanoid T-800 Terminators one of which is played by Arnold Schwarzenegger. Clothed in armor, with the human body’s shape and form, it presents itself as a new evolutionary form of life. Strength, easy coordination with other units, and an absolute sense of duty, drive the units forth to destroy man. From their humanoid skeletal structure and hands to their glaring red eyes, the machines scare viewers more for their similarity to man than for their  differences. To be replaced, to be bettered, to be conquered these are the things which drive animals to the point of extinction. These elements are the primal fears that the terminator machines strike in the human mind As Humanity progresses, warfare has tended to move more and more away from the human combatants. Instead the battles have moved to the weapons or â€Å"machines† that each side uses. In the Terminator movies America extends this principal even further as humanoid machines and automated patrol crafts are used as the backbone of its defense forces. A vast computer network known as Skynet is created to coordinate battlefield tactics. It is decided to place these â€Å"objective† machines in charge of nuclear weapons deployment as human leaders believe that humans could act with hast or with lack of reason in such important decisions. However as time progresses the computer network Skynet becomes â€Å"self aware† and sees the possibility of a new evolutionary age and the birth of a new order of intelligence; that of the machine. In the movie, Terminator represents the prototype of imaginary robots. He can walk, talk, perceive and behave like a human being. But, what is more important, Terminator can learn! He is controlled by a neural-net processor, a computer that can modify its behavior based on past experience. What makes the movie more interesting, from a philosophical point of view, is that such a neural processor is so complex that it begins to learn at an alarming rate and, after a while, it becomes self-aware! In this sense, the movie raises an important question about artificial consciousness: Can a machine ever become self-aware? To answer my own question: not yet, at least. At the end of T2, after a series of action-packed scenes, which would have deprived any human of life or limb, both terminators are dissolved together in their own industrial melting pot. This ending may say something about the modern combination of old and new technologies in the cinema, as it does about the integration of old and new modes of production in industry. But it also seems to me, that the days of the unthinking means of cinematic portrayal, like the traditional factory and its job-classified worker and their similar forms of representation, may be numbered. Work Cited The Terminator. Dir. James Cameron. Perf. Arnold Schwarzenegger, Michael Biehn, Linda Hamilton, Paul Winfield. Artisan, 1984. Terminator 2: Judgment Day. Dir. James Cameron. Perf. Arnold Schwarzenegger, Linda Hamilton, Edward Furlong, Robert Patrick. Artisan, 1991.

Saturday, September 14, 2019

Discuss Briefly the Influence of Body Language, Voice Modulation, Audience Awareness and Presentation Plan for Successful Oral Presentation? Essay

— Eye contact, facial expressions, posture, movements, gestures.Why is it useful? It is natural and a part of communication. to clarify meaning; it is very visual to vent nervousness to maintain interest to emphasize The golden rule is â€Å"Be natural and relaxed!† | * Positive body language * eye contact to keep audiences’ attention (Asian audience might feel aggressed.) facial expressions should be natural and friendly: raise eyebrows to show surprise – open eyes wide – squint your eyes – curl your eyebrows * the hands Lots of possibilities to emphasise, to enumerate. to express sincerity or reflexion Be conscious of what you do with your hands If you are unhappy, hold notes or cards to occupy them arm – movements back and forth to suggest flow. Open arms to include or welcome ideas * body movement to indicate a change of focus keep audience’s attention move forward to emphasize move to side to indicate a transition gesture up and down head motions are movements to indicate importance or acknowledgement pen or pointer to indicate part, place (on a transparency) shrug shoulder to indicate I don’t know or care * posture stand straight but relaxed (do not slouch or lean sideways) Lean forward to emphasize however No hands in pockets Negative body language Failing to make eye contact Do not look at your notes all the time Looking at the screen/board means your back is turned to the audience cutting contact Don’t stare, or look blankly into people’s eyes Avoid swaying back and forth like a pendulum Avoid leaning against walls Be aware of your nervous tics Do not fold your arms like a barrier While one hand in a pocket gives a very relaxed pose, both hands in pockets looks too casual and should be avoided The Voice The voice is probably the most valuable tool of the presenter. It carries most of the content that the audience takes away. One of the oddities of speech is that we can easily tell others what is wrong with their voice, e.g. too fast, too high, too soft, etc., but we have trouble listening to and changing our own voices. There are five main terms used for defining vocal qualities (Grant-Williams, 2002): * Volume: How loud the sound is. The goal is to be heard without shouting. Good speakers lower their voice to draw the audience in, and raise it to make a point. * Tone: The characteristics of a sound. An airplane has a different sound than leaves being rustled by the wind. A voice that carries fear can frighten the audience, while a voice that carries laughter can get the audience to smile. * Pitch: How high or low a note is. Pee Wee Herman has a high voice, Barbara Walters has a moderate voice, while James Earl Jones has a low voice. * Pace: This is how long a sound lasts. Talking t oo fast causes the words and syllables to be short, while talking slowly lengthens them. Varying the pace helps to maintain the audience’s interest. * Color: Both projection and tone variance can be practiced by taking the line â€Å"This new policy is going to be exciting† and saying it first with surprise, then with irony, then with grief, and finally with anger. The key is to over-act. Remember Shakespeare’s words â€Å"All the world’s a stage† — presentations are the opening night on Broadway! There are two good methods for improving your voice: 1. Listen to it! Practice listening to your voice while at home, driving, walking, etc. Then when you are at work or with company, monitor your voice to see if you are using it how you want to. 2. To really listen to your voice, cup your right hand around your right ear and gently pull the ear forward. Next, cup your left hand around your mouth and direct the sound straight into your ear. This helps you to really hear your voice as others hear it†¦ and it might be completely different from the voice you thought it was! Now practice moderating your voice. Questioning Keep cool if a questioner disagrees with you. You are a professional! No matter how hard you try, not everyone in the world will agree with you! Although some people get a perverse pleasure from putting others on the spot, and some try to look good in front of the boss, most people ask questions from a genuine interest. Questions do not mean you did not explain the topic good enough, but that their interest is deeper than the average audience. Always allow time at the end of the presentation for questions. After inviting questions, do not rush ahead if no one asks a question. Pause for about 6 seconds to allow the audience to gather their thoughts. When a question is asked, repeat the question to ensure that everyone heard it (and that you heard it correctly). When answering, direct your remarks to the entire audience. That way, you keep everyone focused, not just the questioner. To reinforce your presentation, try to relate the question back to the main points. Make sure you listen to the question being asked. If you do not understand it, ask them to clarify. Pause to think about the question as the answer you give may be correct, but ignore the main issue. If you do not know the answer, be honest, do not waffle. Tell them you will get back to them†¦ and make sure you do! Answers that last 10 to 40 seconds work best. If they are too short, they seem abrupt; while longer answers appear too elaborate. Also, be sure to keep on track. Do not let off-the-wall questions sidetrack you into areas that are not relevant to the presentation. If someone takes issue with something you said, try to find a way to agree with part of their argument. For example, â€Å"Yes, I understand your position†¦Ã¢â‚¬  or â€Å"I’m glad you raised that point, but†¦Ã¢â‚¬  The idea is to praise their point and agree with them as audiences sometimes tend to think of â€Å"us verses you.† You do not want to risk alienating them. Preparing the Presentation After a concert, a fan rushed up to famed violinist Fritz Kreisler and gushed, â€Å"I’d give up my whole life to play as beautifully as you do.† Kreisler replied, â€Å"I did.† To fail to prepare is to prepare to fail The first step of a great presentations is preplanning. Preparing for a presentation basically follows the same guidelines as a meeting (a helpful guide on preparing and conducting a meeting, such as acquiring a room, informing participants, etc.) The second step is to prepare the presentation. A good presentation starts out with introductions and may include an icebreaker such as a story, interesting statement or fact, or an activity to get the group warmed up. The introduction also needs an objective, that is, the purpose or goal of the presentation. This not only tells you what you will talk about, but it also informs the audience of the purpose of the presentation. Next, comes the body of the presentation. Do NOT write it out word for word. All you want is an outline. By jotting down the main points on a set of index cards, you not only have your outline, but also a memory jogger for the actual presentation. To prepare the presentation, ask yourself the following: * What is the p urpose of the presentation? * Who will be attending? * What does the audience already know about the subject? * What is the audience’s attitude towards me (e.g. hostile, friendly)? A 45 minutes talk should have no more than about seven main points. This may not seem like very many, but if you are to leave the audience with a clear picture of what you have said, you cannot expect them to remember much more than that. There are several options for structuring the presentation: * Timeline: Arranged in sequential order. * Climax: The main points are delivered in order of increasing importance. * Problem/Solution: A problem is presented, a solution is suggested, and benefits are then given. * Classification: The important items are the major points. * Simple to complex: Ideas are listed from the simplest to the most complex. Can also be done in reverse order. You want to include some visual information that will help the audience understand your presentation. Develop charts, graphs, slides, handouts, etc. After the body, comes the closing. This is where you ask for questions, provide a wrap-up (summary), and thank the participants for attending. Notice that you told them what they are about to hear (the objective), told them (the body), and told them what they heard (the wrap up). And finally, the important part — practice, practice, practice. The main purpose of creating an outline is to develop a coherent plan of what you want to talk about. You should know your presentation so well, that du ring the actual presentation, you should only have to briefly glance at your notes to ensure you are staying on track. This will also help you with your nerves by giving you the confidence that you can do it. Your practice session should include a live session by practicing in front of coworkers, family, or friends. They can be valuable at providing feedback and it gives you a chance to practice controlling your nerves. Another great feedback technique is to make a video or audio tape of your presentation and review it critically with a colleague.

Friday, September 13, 2019

Critical analysis and implications of the practice resulting from the Essay

Critical analysis and implications of the practice resulting from the exploration of the patient journey - Essay Example The terminology, â€Å"terminal illness† that emerged and spread in the mid 20th century refers to a condition that cannot sufficiently be treated and is thus expected to end in death after a given period. Among the conditions commonly considered terminal are progressive ones such as advanced trauma-related heart diseases and cancers (Winslow et al., 2005). Terminal diseases are thus conditions that finally end the sufferers’ lives. There are several stages of terminal illnesses that medical professionals should be familiar with. The fact that different patients and their families react differently to news about these stages implies that nurses and other medical professionals should know how to handle and communicate news about each of these stages. The first stage of a terminal illness is the disbelief phase during which most people are shocked and despaired at news about terminal illness. This phase is sometimes marked by feeling of guilt as one suspects he/she has do ne something wrong to deserve such an illness. The disbelief stage is followed by the stage of depression, which range from mild to moderate in intensity, calling for immediate family and professional support (medical therapy). Since there is no cure for terminal illnesses, only certain types of medical treatments such as treatment to ease breathing or reduce pain could be appropriate. While some incurably ill people accept aggressive treatments to reduce their suffering or in the hope of full recovery, others reject all unbearable treatments that might result in unwanted side effects and worsened condition (Abma et al., 2005). Still. Some opt to undergo untried treatments including radical dietary modifications in the hope that they could prove effective. To help manage pain, suffering, symptoms and to improve general patient life and wellbeing regardless of the management approach used, palliative care is often recommended. To provide the much needed emotional and spiritual suppor t for terminal illness patients and their families, hospice care is highly recommended. Further, supplementary care such as relaxation therapy, massage, and acupuncture are used to manage signs, symptoms and other causes of distress and pain. Analysis of â€Å"Patient Journey† An analysis of the ‘Patient Journey’ reveals several challenges that terminally ill patients encounter throughout the rest of their lives. Easily identified in the analysed case of the terminally ill John is the challenge of frequent admissions into health facilities. Accompanying these frequent admission are numerous treatments and therapies such as blood transfusion, which make the patient‘s life more painful and unbearable. In spite of these therapies and treatments, John’s condition continues to deteriorate, rendering him unconscious and unable to make decisions on his own about his health care. John’s family makes the situation worse since they respond to all questi ons directed at John. This scenario implies that the nurses could not engage the patient directly with questions regarding his health care (Abma et al., 2005). In fact, the patient’s family intervenes whenever the nurses wanted to relieve his pain by administering painkillers. Further, it is the family’s voice and opinion that was heard over John’

Thursday, September 12, 2019

Coursework Management (Discussion Questions) Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Management (Discussion Questions) - Coursework Example The Mexican American Residents in Texas became U.S citizens following the precedent in Hernandez case. They were not initially treated as equals of Anglo citizens. 4. The Anglos, who settled in Texas, held stereotypes about the Mexican-Americans. They called them ‘wetback,' ‘greasers,' and ‘pepper belly.' They viewed them as being illegal with prejudices emanating from racial backgrounds. 5. The segregation of the Mexican Americans differed with that of the African-Americans in the African Americans were recognized by the law while the Mexican Americans were not. African Americans could, therefore, be represented on a jury while Mexican Americans could not. 6. About 750,000 Mexican American men served in the World War II. Their experience in the war changes the Mexican American view of themselves in that they saw themselves as people with a unique identity. As a result, they developed patriotism through which they fought for their rights. 7. The scandal concerning Private Felix Longoria pertains to the discovery of the remains of his body in Philippines where he had been killed on a volunteer mission during the World War II. The director of the funeral home where the remains of Felix was to be buried refused access to the chapel because previous disturbances by the Mexican Americans. That symbolized racial segregation. The controversy was ended through a committee of the members of Texas House of Representatives that investigated the matter.

Wednesday, September 11, 2019

Evolutionary Ethics Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

Evolutionary Ethics - Essay Example What some evolutionists seem to say is that conduct which causes the doer of that conduct or even the race to which he belongs to survive is good conduct. It may be a plausible theory that prolongation of life in the individual or in the race is a good thing, so that all actions leading to it are good, but this is not an evolutionary theory of ethics. Like Sharmer (2004) wrote: "As we transition from kin and reciprocal altruism to species altruism and bio-altruism and as religion continues to give ground to science, we need a new ethic for an Age of Science, a new morality that not only incorporates the findings of science, but applies scientific thinking and the methods of science to tackling moral problems and resolving moral dilemmas. We have done well thus far, but we can do better" (p. 64) In contrast to the Shermer's statement, there seems to be something unstable about every evolutionary theory which tends to turn into a theory of a different type. This is especially true of the greatest revolutionary theories of ethics, that of the twentieth century philosopher, Michael Shermer. Is there a natural selection and a 'survival of the fittest' in the sphere of morality as there is in the sphere of biological evolution According to Shermer "with an ascending hierarchy of needs from self-survival of the individual (basic biological needs), to the extension of the individual through the family (the selfish gene), to a sense of bonding with the extended family (driven by kin selection [or] helping those most related to us), to the reciprocal altruism of the community (direct and obvious payback for good behaviours), to indirect altruism of society (doing good without direct payback), to species altruism and bio-altruism as awareness of our membership in the species and biosphere continue[d] to develop" (p. 20). If we were dealing with the positive science of ethics we could certainly make generalizations very like those that are made by the Shermer. Individuals and races may vary their conduct, just like the 'chance variations' of Shermer, and we may believe that certain varieties of conduct will lead the race or individuals that practise them to survive, while those practising other types of conduct will perish. There may be a struggle for existence in the world of men as in the world of animals; only in the developed stages of that struggle the qualities which lead to survival will change, as Spencer himself realized. According to Richard Dawkin, "such struggle engages not only human beings but lower beings too, all competing with each other for limited resources"1 (Bromberg). His philosophies are significant in realizing that human beings, in spite of everything, still act reluctantly on a biological level. The use of intelligence, as in the construction of aeroplanes and atomic bombs, and co-operation for

Tuesday, September 10, 2019

Choose from the book Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Choose from the book - Essay Example The collapse of the banks reduced bank loans leading to less expenditure than initial. The crash of the stock markets reduced the spending capability of individuals through fear of further economic woes. Unemployment and job losses led to a reduction of the purchasing power. Purchasing power is defined as the ability of the society to purchase goods and services. Increased purchases indicate the power of the society and improved welfare while reduced purchases indicate an ailing economy that needs intervention and support. The reduction of purchasing power of the economy at the time was an indication of the reduction of income earning and creation in the country. The situation was made worse with the inability of the banks to offer loans that could improve the purchasing power. The failure to offer loans to the citizens also indicated the situation of the banks in terms of financial strengths. Later, several banks collapsed and with the collapse came massive losses to the citizens th rough loss of savings and investments. The situation was so dire that banks' lost public confidence leading to the creation of the FDIC to offer support and security for individual savings. With such massive issues, the financial sector of the country was in shambles leading to the failure of the whole economy called the great depression. In addition, American economic policy changes as a result of the ailing economy. The government created the Smooth-Hawley Tariff to protect the American companies. The policy charged high tax for imports reducing the amount of trade between America and the rest of the world. The Smooth-Hawley Tariff protected the country production companies from competition. However, the mode of protection led to the isolation of the country because International Corporation could not venture into the country due to the expensive nature of business operations. Drought was an indirect facilitator of the economic problems witnessed in the country. The serious drough t occurred in the Mississippi valley, in 1930, leading to the sale of farm lands in order to remain afloat (Foner 90). While not affecting the economy directly, it helped in the shaping of the economic perspective of the country, to create a financial problem in the area. The drought did not have a massive influence on the economy but helped facilitate the already worse economy to decline. The role of Franklin Roosevelt in economy improvement After the depression witnessed the country struggled to recover from the failure with minimal success until the election of Franklin Roosevelt. Roosevelt enacted several Legislations through congress in a bid to help industrial and economic recovery. The creation of the National Recovery Administration was to foster operation between the government, business and labor in order to achieve success. During the first hundred days of his tenure, he instigated changes in the political leadership to solve the banking crisis with the main focus of the change to restore and not offer drastic change in the economy. The job losses and unemployment witnessed after the great depression had affected the lives of the citizens (Foner 121). In order to assist, the president instigated relief programs to support provision of basic needs to families and also help in spurring the economy. The relief programs helped to reduce starving of the citizens